The Denver Park Trust partnered with the Athmar Park Neighborhood Association to develop and implement a Story Walk, a placemaking element consisting of a bilingual children’s book displayed one page at a time along an eight block mobility trail along West Tennessee Ave.
In 2018, residents of the Athmar Park neighborhood began efforts to clean up the underutilized land, owned by XCEL and managed by Denver Parks and Recreation, along West Tennessee Ave. between Zuni St. and Federal Blvd. Following the addition of a walking and biking trail, residents made plans to activate the trail with a Story Walk, 16 interpretive signs designed to provide children and families a place walk and read together in the outdoors.
Through its Community Grant Program, the Denver Park Trust awarded the Athmar Park Neighborhood Association $5,000 and purchased the signs for the Story Walk. Additionally, we supported a community-led effort to install the signs in September 2022.